“net-gazer” - network connection capture and analysis daemon

network connection capture and analysis daemon

net-gazer” - network connection capture and analysis daemon


Design daemon, capable of intercepting traversing ethernet frames from network interface. Daemon should be able to load plugins for specialized packet processing. Plugins will be sending inspection reports via host daemon provided facilities. For deployment, daemon will be deployed to endponts, such as gateway, switch spanning ports and workstations

Plugins can use captured data for:

my experiments

other components

report collector data-collector part..
demo plugin example pluging
traceroute plugin - captures SYN+SYN/ACKs and traces tcp connection destination (just for fun) and profides graphed data, that can be visualised
all ipv4 plugin - captures all ipv4 pakets


Graphed http sessions, originated from browser

Graphed http sessions originated from my workstation


deployment diagram




  1. net-gaser-sensor
  2. net-gazer-plugins
  3. collector net-gazer-web
  4. redisgraph db docker-compose

how I run it…

  1. build net-gazer-sensor
    $ cargo deb

    install cargo-deb as

    $ cargo install cargo-deb
  2. install net-gazer-sensor (plugins deb is configured for dependency on net-gazer)
    # dpkg -i ./target/debian/net-gazer_0.1.0_amd64.deb
  3. stop daemon (b/c we will run it from cli)
    # systemctl stop net-gazer
  4. build plugin (from plugin repo build deb and install with dpkg)

  5. build and run net-gazer-web
    $ cargo run
  6. with docker-compose bring up redisgraph
    $ docker-compose up
  7. run net-gazer-sensor (it will discover deployed plugin)
    $ cargo run -- -vv
  8. Create some network traffic

  9. I use “redisinsight” to check graph (cypher query)
    MATCH (n:hop) return n

    to see 5 “neighbour” hopes

    MATCH (a:hop{ip:'192.168.<your>.<ip>'})-[next*1..5]->(ancestors) RETURN a, ancestors
  10. to remove everything (ofter done)
    # apt-get purge net-gazer

To run (cli help)

root is needed to run (./.cargo/config)

$ cargo run [-- --help]

$ cargo run -- -i eth0 -v

Configuration file search order



``` cargo run – –help

Running sudo -E target/debug/net-gazer --help net-gazer 0.1.0 network connection capture and analysis daemon

USAGE: net-gazer [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

FLAGS: -h, –help Prints help information -V, –version Prints version information -v, –verbosity Verbose mode (-v(info), -vv(debug), -vvv(trace), etc.)

OPTIONS: -c, –config configuration file [env: NG_CONFIG=] -i, --iface target network interface [env: NG_IFACE=]